Health and wellness professionals with a sex work background
What outsiders don't always know is that many forms of sex work have at times a therapeutic benefit to the customer. This work experience can make us ideal clinicians, therapists and practitioners: we become good at reading people, their body language, their fundamental emotional needs and more.
It's a shame that we can't always been open about our work experience because of prejudice and misconception. This can make it hard to navigate therapeutic challenges as we can't talk to our supervisors openly. It also presents practical problems around running our practices.
Get in touch if you are in this position and join our regular peer support group. It's open to all kinds of wellness practitioners, whether mental, emotional and physical, wherever you are based in the world, and you don't need to use your legal name. Participants are verified for security.
At first I was nervous to join [this group], as a relative newcomer to the world of sex work...I wasn't sure if it would be the right space for me, and was worried I would be judged, or have nothing useful to contribute. I could not have been more wrong. It is such a welcoming group and the discussions are always interesting and insightful, often positive and sometimes emotional. I feel that I have found a safe space in which to belong....You can be as involved in discussion as you want to be, without any pressure to share or comment if you don't want to.